
Es werden Posts vom Februar, 2015 angezeigt.

Krawalle in Athen

Rund 200 Vermummte haben am Agabend im Zentrum Athens gewütet. Brennende Autos und Mülleimer in den Straßen von Athen. Erstmals seit der Wahl der neuen Syriza-Regierung in Griechenland ist es zu gewaltsamen Protesten gegen den Kurs von Ministerpräsident Alexis Tsipras gekommen.  Zu den Ausschreitungen kam es nach einer zunächst friedlich verlaufenen Demonstration der außerparlamentarischen Linken gegen die von der griechischen Links-Rechts-Regierung unterzeichnete Verlängerung des Sparprogramms. Es war die erste Demonstration Autonomer nach dem Wahlsieg der Linkspartei Syriza unter dem griechischen Regierungschef Alexis Tsipras. Video hier

Macedonian Tourists Still Choose Greece as Their Favorite Destination

Nor the possible bankruptcy of Greece or its euro zone exit, can prompt hesitation among Macedonian tourists when it comes to planing their annual vacations. The Greek beaches still remain top destination for Macedonians. Whether they decide to hire a touristic agency or arrange their own trip, Chalkidiki is the cheapest option. Tour operators claim that some of the summer arrangements were made last year in October, and their Greek partners have not made any complains so far. “There was a chance, after the announcements of the Greek Government, all-inclusive arrangements to be revoked, but we were informed that all the paid arrangements including breakfast and lunch had been accepted. Even if the drachma comes back, it will not make an impact on tourists", says Mile Spirovski from the Tourist agency in Bitola. According to the information of the tourist associations, 50% of the offers had been purchased. The citizens are using the advantages of early bird payme


European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) at midnight will announce the latest, fifth report on Greece. As MIA reports from Strasbourg, unlike the previous four reports of ECRI on Greece, the latest, never mentioned the Macedonian minority, that Greek government officially does not recognize. Greece recognizes only religious, Muslim minority in Thrace, according to the obligations of the Treaty of Lausanne. . This omission of the Macedonian minority, according to the explanations in Strasbourg, is due to the new methodology in the work of the Commission, which provides it to devote to a few topics. In this case, ECRI deals with the right of the Muslim minority in Thrace, the situation of Roma and immigrants and asylum seekers. Although having said that other problems are not forgotten. In the previous four reports of ECRI was found violations of the rights of the Macedonian minority, so its omission surprises. Given that the next report will be in a f

Macedonian Ambassador Talked about Trust between Skopje and Athens in Greece

Advancement of cooperation will lead to overcoming of the impasse in the bilateral relations, and result in building of trust between Macedonia and Greece, necessary for resolution of differences between both countries. The aforesaid was stated by the Macedonian Ambassador to Athens Darko Angelov at the round table entitled “Overcoming the impasse through cooperation: approach for building trust between Skopje and Athens”  The event was organized by the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy ELIAMEP Institute and it was attended by Greek diplomats and other ambassadors to Athens and Greek and foreign experts and journalists. As reported by MIA correspondent, Ambassador Angelov reiterated that the two countries had to find a way to cooperate and in order to solve the name issue that had soured relations for decades, cooperation between the two sides was necessary.  At the end, Angelov concluded that such events were a small but important step forward and o


Opportunities for increased cooperation at bilateral level, repeated, according to Kanal 5, new Macedonian ambassador to the new head of the Greek diplomacy at today's 15 minute meeting in the Greek Foreign Ministry. In a friendly, positive and cordial climate passed the meeting for introduction of Darko Angelov with Nikos Kotzias. According to our information, head of Macedonian embassy in Athens to the new Minister of Foreign Affairs mentioned opportunities, proposals, initiatives, and the willingness of the Macedonian side for opening and deepening of cooperation between the two countries, regardless of the name issue and negotiations conducted. Information on Kanal 5 said Kotzias reacted positively, but it remains to be seen whether in practice there will be some changes. Experts and analysts in Greece are optimistic that the new Greek government and the new foreign minister will enhance bilateral climate. Angelov used the meeting to hand Kotzias the notifi

Macedonian Ambassador to meet with Greek FM Kotzias on Friday

Macedonian Ambassador to Athens Darko Angelov has asked the newly appointed Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Kotsias for an introductory meeting on Friday. Our correspondent from Athens reports that during the meeting Angelov will also present his credentials to Kotzias. Topics of discussion at the meeting with include an initial exchange of positions, and well as a discussion about the bilateral cooperation between the two countries.  Last month Ambassador Angelov met with then Deputy Foreign Minister Dimitris Kourkoulas, but was unable to present his credentials due to the pre-election period in Greece. Macedonia and Greece remain locked in an over two decades long issue in which Greece demands that Macedonia will change its name. Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski made the initial contact with newly elected Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Tuesday, when the two also discussed the name issue.

Griechenland verunsichert weiter

Am europäischen Rentenmarkt gab es gestern mal wieder nur ein Thema: Griechenland! Einige Marktteilnehmer bewerten es als zähes Dauerthema, was sich bereits nach kurzer Zeit zieht wie ein altes Kaugummi. Andere verspüren permanente Verunsicherung im anhaltenden Konflikt zwischen der neuen Links- Rechts-Koalition auf der einen und den internationalen Gläubigern auf der anderen Seite. Gestern schien im Vorfeld des heutigen Finanzministertreffens ein Kompromiss greifbar. Insbesondere griechische Bonds reagierten vorübergehend mit erheblichen Renditerückg.ngen auf die einlenkende Haltung, nun doch an 70% der Reformen festzuhalten und zudem mit der OECD zusammenzuarbeiten. Jedoch bekräftigte Tsipras am Abend seine Forderungen, bevor er im Parlament eine Vertrauensabstimmung gewann. Dessen ungeachtet stellte der Verteidigungsminister Kammenos in den Raum, die Hellenen könnten sich auch auf Geldgeber aus Russland, China oder den USA fokussieren. Somit werden die Neuregierenden nach unsere

Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker kritisiert Haltung der neuen griechischen Regierung

Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) hat der Regierung Griechenlands Doppelstandards im Umgang mit Menschenrechten sowie der Ukraine-Krise und Russland vorgeworfen. Die neue griechische Regierung verstehe die Annexion der Krim offenbar nicht als Völkerrechtsbruch, sehe nicht die Verantwortung Russlands für den entsetzlichen Krieg in der Ukraine und nehme es hin, dass die russische Regierung Andersdenkende, Minderheiten und die gesamte Zivilgesellschaft massiv schikaniere, kritisierte Sarah Reinke, GUS-Referentin der GfbV. Griechenland müsse dringend auch im eigenen Land den Minderheitenschutz verbessern. Der Staat belege innerhalb der EU mit Abstand den letzten Platz in Sachen Minderheitenschutz. Die Existenz der slawischen Mazedonier im Norden Griechenlands werde seit Jahren negiert . Die türkische Minderheit dürfte sich nicht über ihre ethnische oder nationale Zugehörigkeit definieren, sondern gelte als rein muslimische Minderheit. Ein erster Schritt zu einer glaub

Gruevski phones Tsipras

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski held a brief telephone conversation with his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras, it was confirmed on Tuesday. During the protocol phone call, Gruevski wished the Greek Premier success during his tenure and in his efforts to address the challenges Greece was facing, the government’s press service told local media. Gruevski said that the two countries needed to make efforts to advance the good neighbourly ties, settle outstanding issues, build a constructive environment in both countries and cooperate in all spheres of mutual interest.

Vardar Overflows Near Greek Border

The Vardar River is overflowing near Mici, located on the very border between Macedonia and Greece. Macedonia's largest river already flooded farmland near the village of Mrzenci. The town of Gevgelija is not under threat, with the cold weather reducing the melting process of the snow on Nidze Mountain. In Prilep, the regional crisis management center said that five villages that were affected by the floods are still without drinking water and are supplied with bottled water delivered by trucks. Around 20 of the most affected families are receiving humanitarian aid. In the eastern parts of Macedonia, the Istibanja-Makedonska Kamenica road remains closed for traffic, after rainfalls caused several landslides. Road crews are working on clearing up the road, but engineers estimate that it is still dangerous to allow even vehicles on one lane. Some of the most dangerous rocks that have loosened will need to be torn down before traffic would be allowed on the road again.

S&P stuft Griechenland ab

Nächster Nackenschlag für die neue griechische Regierung: Wegen ihres Konfrontationskurses mit den internationalen Geldgebern senken die Ratingagenturen den Daumen über Athen. Die Agentur Standard & Poor’s (S&P) stufte die Bonitätsnote des Landes von „B“ auf „B-“, wie die Agentur in London mitteilte. Zudem droht S&P dem Land kurzfristig mit weiteren Herabstufungen der Kreditwürdigkeit. Die Note liegt damit noch tiefer im sogenannten Ramschbereich. Kein anderes Land der Eurozone wird von der Agentur so schlecht bewertet. Und auch die Ratingagentur Moody’s drohte Griechenland mit einer Herabstufung der Kreditwürdigkeit. Die derzeitige Bonitätsbewertung sei entsprechend unter Beobachtung gestellt worden, teilte das Un­ternehmen mit. Für Athen ist diese Entwicklung kritisch: Je schlechter die Ratingagenturen die Bonität eines Landes bewerten, umso schwerer und teurer wird es in der Regel, frisches Geld am Kapitalmarkt zu besorgen.

Greece May have just Killed Empire's Death Star of Debt

The Greek Elites and kleptocrats are terrified of the discipline that leaving the euro will impose, but the general public should welcome the transition to an economy and society that has been freed from the shackles of Imperial debt and the kleptocracy that has bled the nation dry. Although the financial media is blathering about negotiations and gamesmanship, the truth is Greece just blew up the Empire's Death Star of debt. There's nothing left to negotiate except the official admission that the Imperial Death Star of debt, the most fearsome threat in the galaxy, has been blown to smithereens. There are three fundamental points that need to be emphasized, mostly because they've been lost in handwringing, fearmongering and the ceaseless chatter of propaganda shills. 1. Impaired debt and defaults result from imprudent underwriting and lender incompetence/ greed. Since when did it become accepted policy to reward imprudent lending, incompetence and greed?  Class

Mehr Suizide in Griechenland wegen Sparpolitik

Die drastische Sparpolitik in Griechenland hat offenbar die Zahl von Suiziden in dem Land stark ansteigen lassen. In den Monaten nach der Verabschiedung von Sparmaßnahmen im Juni 2011 habe die Zahl der Suizide um knapp 36 Prozent zugenommen, heißt es in einer im Online-Fachmagazin "BMJ Open" veröffentlichten Studie. Für ihre Studie untersuchten Forscher aus den USA und Griechenland monatliche Suizidzahlen zwischen 1983 und Ende 2012 und verglichen sie mit tiefgreifenden wirtschaftlichen Ereignissen. Dabei berücksichtigten sie nicht nur offizielle griechische Statistiken, sondern untersuchten auch Todesfälle, die als Unfälle deklariert waren, bei denen es sich aber womöglich um Suizide gehandelt hatte. In dem drei Jahrzehnte umspannenden Zeitraum zählten die Forscher etwa 11.500 Menschen, die sich in Griechenland das Leben nahmen, mehr als 9000 davon waren Männer. Nach der Einführung des Euro im Januar 2002 sank die Zahl der Suizide deutlich, bei Männern um 27 Prozent

EU soll Konten griechischer Steuerbetrüger einfrieren

Berlin - Bundeswirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) hat die EU-Mitgliedstaaten aufgefordert, Konten griechischer Steuerbetrüger einzufrieren. "Wenn jetzt die neue griechische Regierung ernst macht mit der Bekämpfung von Korruption und Steuerhinterziehung, dann sollte die gesamte Europäischen Union das aktiv unterstützen", sagte Gabriel der "Bild"-Zeitung (Dienstag). Dazu zähle "bei schweren Steuerdelikten griechischer Staatsbürger auch das Einfrieren von Vermögen und Konten der Superreichen im EU-Ausland, bis durchgesetzt ist, dass alle Steuerpflichtigen in Griechenland ihre Steuern bezahlt haben".

Tsirlidis - first Greek in Macedonian League

The Macedonian clubs have begun to bring more and more foreign players recently. Thanks to that, the number of countries that had or will have players in the Macedonian league is constantly increasing. The latest name on that list is Greece as Pelister announced the transfer of Georgios Tsirlidis. He is 21 years old and plays as a striker. Tsirlidis originally started his career at Poseidonas Kalamarias. Last season, he spent half a season with second league side Pierikos where he scored 1 goal in 14 games. Before that he also played for Anagennisi Epanomis. To Pelister, he comes from Rouvas, a lower division side with whom he played for the past 6 months. Tsirlidis was already training with the Bitola based team and after displaying good performances in the friendlies, he signed a contract. He will wait until 1 March to possibly make his debut and become the first Greek to play in Macedonia. We say possibly because Pelister appears to be in chaos with players coming and going


In countless articles on Greek-Russian relations recently published in Greek media, some media reminded of the fact that Russia recognized us under the constitutional name of Macedonia. "Russia also recognized Skopje as" Macedonia "which, of course, should not be an excuse for hostile of Greece to Moscow," - a medium of Crete. The recognition of the constitutional name of Russia is one of the warnings in Greek-Russian relations, and analysts emphasize that you had to look at how some of the conditions of the "strategic partnership" with Russia will mean withdrawal of cooperation with the West and "religious "kind of attachment to the views of the Kremlin. In December last year, Greek media wrote that Putin slapped Greece when at the press conference for "South Stream" called our country Macedonia. "A few bumps and messages from the Russian President," "Bombs from Putin for Macedonia and Turkey," were

Gern gelesen

Griechenland: 2,5 MRD Euro Stromschulden – Versorger schaltet bald erste 50.000 Kunden ab!


Griechenland: Sozialkassen schaffen parallele Staatsverschuldung