
Es werden Posts vom September, 2014 angezeigt.


Macedonian Minister of External Affairs Nikola Poposki last night during the General Assembly of the United Nations, in New York met with Greek Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos. After the meeting, Poposki said that he expressed the interest of Macedonia to find a solution to the dispute, and that from the response of Venizelos it was clear that it is not among the Greek priorities.  . "Of course, we highlighted the interest in substantive talks on moving the process forward. I think that in the part of the answer we have no surprise, however because it is a situation in which Greek interest is extremely low. It was concluded that the difference remains in the part of the motivation for exceeding the imposed name dispute, or in Greece that motivation is still pretty low, extremely low. In the rest of the conversation expressed was interest that here is desire in the Greek side to intensify the bilateral cooperation projects, whether it is in infrastructure, economic


Anti-Macedonian crescendo of far-right government of Samaras and the Greek (para) state mechanisms continued to operate at full speed this summer, Rainbow announced today, party of Macedonians in Greece.  . According to them, the latest "victim" of such action was the Macedonian human rights activist and writer George Kanzurov (George Kancuris), born in the village of Setina in Florina, northern Greece. Last week Kanzurov was denied of entry to Greece and visit of the birthplace with the usual disgusting "excuse" that is "a threat to security and internal order of Greece." To many Macedonians, including a journalist, artists, scientists, and ordinary people so far have been denied the entry into Greece, they were forbidden to visit their hometowns or simply were forbidden to go on holiday in Greece. Notorious "black list" with unwanted Macedonians, which was allegedly lifted from the Minister of Education A. Loverdos, not only that

Stolen Registration Plates of Macedonian Vehicle in Thessaloniki

Yesterday a new case of stolen vehicle license plates in Thessaloniki, Greece was reported by Macedonian citizen at Bogorodica border crossing. The case was reported by Z.M., from Prilep who owns a "Ford" vehicle. Interior Ministry informed today that the theft of the registration plate happened yesterday in Thessaloniki. The owner of the vehicle, failed to report the case to the Greek police.  With this new case of stolen license plate the figure reaches the number of fourteen, while   seven vehicles were reported to be damaged.

More than half of Macedonian blame Greece for blocking EU accession: polls

Macedonian citizens believed that the main reason why Macedonia is stuck with its EU's integration is the obstruction by its neighbor Greece, according to an opinion poll released on Friday.  Fifty-nine percent of respondents to a public opinion survey conducted by The Institute for Democracy "Societas Civilis" Skopje (IDSCS) blamed Greece for blocking Macedonia to join EU, which represents an increase in comparison to March 2014, when this opinion was 48 percent.  Twenty-nine percent of the respondents said that the failure to implement domestic reforms is another main reason for not being part of EU. And the view that reluctance of EU to accept Macedonia as a member state is supported by 7 percent respondents, which is a significant decline from March 2014.  The opinion poll on the topic - "Macedonia's EU Integration" - was conducted by telephone interviews between 10 and 15 September and covered 1002 Macedonian citizens. The result showed that if a

Trial Begins Against Greek Television Channels for Discrimination of “Rainbow”

The party of the Macedonian minority in Greece "Rainbow" started Friday in Athens the trial against several Greek television channels for unequal treatment during the election campaign, reports. The case is five years old and dates back to the European Parliament elections in 2009 when several national and local TV stations have not complied with the agreement to advertise the parties equally. Instead in the prime time, the video of "Rainbow" was aired at 4 a.m. when the ratings are minimal. Apart the television "Mega", among the sued channels are the state ERT, "Antenna," "Star" and "Alpha".

Stratfor's Languages and Dialects of Europe causes Anger in Yunanistan

US think-tank Stratfor released a map of European languages spoken on the continent, and not surprisingly good portion of northern Yunanistan (Aegean Macedonia) was marked as place where the Macedonian language is spoken. This caused an uproard in Yunanistan and Athens in particular where internet goers flooded Stratfor's Facebook page with offensive comments. In Macedonia, a tiny portion in the Northwest part of the country was marked as place where Albanian is spoken. Athens and then some is marked as area where Albanian is widely spoken.

Niedrige Zinsen: Griechenland spart 8,5 Mrd. Euro/Jahr - Kein Grund zur Freude

Griechenland spart dank niedriger Euro-Zinse 8,5 Milliarden Euro im Jahr. Zahlen muss der deutsche Sparer, dem aus demselben Grund Zinsgewinne entgehen. Als Steuerzahler wird er auch zur Kasse gebeten. Griechenland spart dank der niedrigen Zinsen in der Eurozone jedes Jahr 8,5 Milliarden Euro ein. Das hat der Chef des Europäischen Stabilitätsmechanismus (ESM) Klaus Regling in einer Twitter-Meldung bekanntgegeben.  Ob damit eine »Rettung« des griechischen Haushalts gelingt, ist mit Blick auf die Zahlen indes sehr zu bezweifeln. Statt von Sanierung ist häufiger von einem neuen Schuldenschnitt und einem neuen »Hilfspaket« die Rede. EZB-Chef Mario Draghis erklärtes Ziel ist es nicht nur, ein Auseinanderbrechen der Eurozone zu vermeiden. Das heißt, dass kein Mitgliedsstaat austreten darf, um seinen Haushalt zu sanieren. Sondern die Krisenstaaten sollen von denen, die noch nicht in derselben Lage sind, am Leben erhalten werden, damit die weiterhin ihre Zinsen zahlen und Schulden t

Greeks go crazy - Macedonian Transport Minister uses the Name "Macedonia" at Milan Meeting

Greece’s Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, Michalis Papadopoulos has condemned the use of the term the "Republic of Macedonia" by the Macedonian Minister of Transport Mile Janakieski during the informal ministerial meeting taking place in Milan, Italy. The Minister for Transport, who takes part here as an observer, asked to speak at the meeting, said Papadopoulos for the Greek state-run news agency ANA-MPA. After the positive answer by the Italian Presidency, Janakieski used the term "the Republic of Macedonia" constantly in his speech, which has prompted the Greek deputy minister to intervene, by condemning the behavior of the Macedonian politician.

Golden Dawn Candidate Found Guilty of Inciting Racist Violence

A court in Athens on Tuesday presented Golden Dawn parliamentary candidate Alexandros Plomaritis with one-year suspended sentence for inciting racist violence, Ekathimerini reports. The trial against Plomaritis was based on a video recording of a documentary on the rising popularity of the Golden Dawn party, in which the candidate, followed for a month during his 2012 pre-election campaign, is seen protesting against foreign migrants in Greece and people with leftist political persuasions. "We are ready to open the ovens. We will turn them into soap but we may get a rash... We will make lamps from their skin," Plomaritis says while sitting a cafe in central Athens, talking to a group of the party’s supporters.

Greece at Bottom of Social Justice Scale among EU28

According to a scale assessing the performance of all 28 EU member states, prepared by the Bertelsmann Foundation, Greece ranks the lowest in the entire European bloc, Ekathimerini has learnt. "Greece suffers from a youth unemployment rate of almost 60 percent now, a rapid increase in the risk of poverty, not least among children and adolescents (from 28.2 per cent in 2007 to 35.4 per cent in 2012), a health system that has been hard hit by austerity measures, discrimination towards minorities due to increasing radical political forces and a huge mountain of debt as mortgage for future generations," the study written by Daniel Schraad-Tischler and Christian Kroll said, which was published on Monday.

Schulbeginn in Griechenland mit zu wenig Lehrern

Nach einer mehrmonatigen Sommerpause beginnt heute in den Schulen Griechenlands wieder der Unterricht. Wie fast jedes Jahr ist auch dieser Schulbeginn von Problemen begleitet. Vor allem gibt es zahlreiche unbesetzte Lehrstellen: Lehrergewerkschaften sprechen von 12.000, das Bildungsministerium gibt jedoch lediglich 1.000 unbesetzte Stellen an. Wie viele es letztendlich sind, wird Bildungsminister Andreas Loverdos, wie er heute in einem Fernsehinterview erklärt hat, erst am Montag feststellen können. Beschäftigt, soviel scheint zumindest sicher, sind in diesem Jahr 127.033 festangestellte Lehrer; 11.844 Pädagogen in Kindergärten; 44.432 Grundschullehrer und 70.757 Lehrer an Gymnasien und Lyzeen. Die beiden letzteren Gruppen erteilen den Unterricht von der 7. bis zur 12. Klasse.  2014 ist jedoch eines der wenigen Jahre, in dem die Verteilung der kostenlosen Schulbücher pünktlich zu Schuljahresbeginn erfolgen kann. In so manchen früheren Jahren mussten sich die Lehrer in einigen Fächer

Piraten-Sender der ehemaligen Staatssender-Journalisten

Griechische Journalisten geben nicht auf. Im Juni 2013 wurde der griechische Staatssender ERT fast ohne Vorwarnung abgeschaltet. Fast 2.700 Mitarbeiter waren plötzlich arbeitslos. Manche sind bei anderen Sendern untergekommen, doch rund 400 von ihnen machen einfach weiter – mit dem alten Logo und Equipment, als Piratensender, illegal. In Athen haben sie neue Räume gefunden, andere ERT-Stationen halten sie besetzt. Jeden Tag müssen sie mit der Räumung rechnen. Aber sie wollen mit ihren kritischen Berichten eine Alternative zur unpolitischen und regierungsabhängigen Berichterstattung in Griechenland liefern.

Griechenland kommt nicht aus der Deflation

Griechenland steckt wegen seiner schweren Wirtschaftskrise weiter in der Deflation fest. Im August fielen die Verbraucherpreise im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat um durchschnittlich 0,3 Prozent. Dies teilte die Statistikbehörde Elstat am Mittwoch in Athen mit. Es ist bereits der 18. Monat in Folge mit fallenden Verbraucherpreisen. Der Preisrückgang hat sich inzwischen aber erheblich abgeflacht. Im August fiel er deutlich geringer aus als noch im November 2013. Damals war mit 2,9 Prozent ein Deflationsrekord ausgewiesen worden, seitdem die Preisveränderungen gemessen werden (1960). Sinkende Verbraucherpreise über einen längeren Zeitraum werden als Deflation bezeichnet und gelten als Hemmnis für die konjunkturelle Entwicklung, weil Konsumenten und Unternehmen Ausgaben hinauszögern

Arbeitslosigkeit in Griechenland bleibt hoch

Die Arbeitslosigkeit in Griechenland geht langsam zurück, bleibt aber auf hohem Niveau. Die Arbeitslosenquote lag im Juni bei 27 Prozent nach 27,6 Prozent im Vorjahresmonat, wie das Statistikamt Elstat am Donnerstag in Athen mitteilte. Deutlichere Verbesserungen gab es für die Altersgruppe bis 24 Jahre: Im Juni waren 51,5 Prozent ohne Job. Ein Jahr zuvor waren es noch 58,8 Prozent gewesen. Zudem gibt es einen Hoffnungsschimmer: Die Wirtschaft soll in diesem Jahr erstmals seit 2008 wieder leicht um 0,6 Prozent wachsen./tt/DP/jsl

From Skopje to Brussels: Papadopoulos Appointed Greece’s New Ambassador to the EU

The former Greek ambassador to Skopje, Alexandra Papadopoulos has been appointed Greece’s new representative to the European Union, succeeding the post previously held by Theodoros Sotiropoulos. Papadopoulos has been performing diplomatic duties since 1981. She became an ambassador in 2006, when she filled the post of deputy permanent representative of Greece in the UN for a five-year term. From 2007 to 2012, she was the chief of the relations office of Greece in Macedonia, and in 2013 she was appointed chief of the General Foreign Affairs Directorate.

Greek Institute Conducted Survey in Skopje about Athens’ Influence on the Balkans

Athens cannot allow the degradation of Greek foreign policy on the Balkans in the upcoming years. Although the image of the Western Balkan country has suffered a great deal due to the economic crisis, the losses are not big, concludes an analysis of the effects of the financial crisis on Greece’s foreign policy on the Balkans, published recently by Greek foreign policy foundation ELIAMEP. The esteemed Greek institute carried out telephone and online survey of experts on Greek foreign policy in several Western Balkan countries, including Macedonia, in order to find out whether the crisis had changed Greece’s image in the region.

Wolfgang Petrich: Athens has the main responsibility for not solving the name issue

It is clear that Athens bears тхе primary responsibility for not solving the name issue, and there Iwould clearly say, said Austrian diplomat and negotiator Wolfgang Petrich in the interview with Al Jazeera Balkans. In the show “Tell Al Jazeera,” the former senior official of the international community in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo negotiator and current president of the Austrian Foundation “Marshall Plan” talked with journalist Sasha Delikj and among other things, for the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, relations between Serbia and Kosovo and for the name of Macedonia.


Greece has two positions on the name, one official and one unofficial. The official is that wants to resolve the dispute, but that has certain terms that they know will not be able to pass in the country and therefore the ​​conditions were made not to be accepted.  . The unofficial is that now they are not able to resolve the issue, or they have too many internal political and financial problems to enter in such a variant of resolving this issue and that this period should not be required this from them, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said in an interview with the weekly "Republika". But, he adds, they do not say that do not want to resolve or they can not solve or are against resolve or something.

Griechenland: Die Magie der Steuerhinterziehung

Ist in Griechenland die Steuerhinterziehung eine Äußerung gesellschaftlichen Vertrauens? In der von dem Anthropologen bei einem “primitiven” Volksstamm durchgeführten lokalen Untersuchung (field work) gibt es immer den kritischen “Punkt Null” – den Punkt, ab dem der Stamm aufhört, Dich als Fremden anzusehen und Dich fortan als “einen von ihnen” betrachtet. Die Weise, auf die der Anthropologe wahrnimmt, an diesem begehrten Punkt angelangt zu sein, unterscheidet sich natürlich von Stamm zu Stamm. Bei manchen zeigt sich dies, wenn sie Dir einen Spitznamen anhängen und Dich mit diesem zu rufen beginnen (z. B. “Sohn der aus der Ferne kommenden weißen Stute“). Bei anderen, wenn die Omas Dir gestatten, an dem Klatsch vor dem Feuer teilzunehmen. Bei Stämmen des Amazonas wiederum äußert sich die Akzeptanz, wenn sie Dir erlauben, an den Überfällen gegen benachbarte Stämme teilzunehmen, um deren Frauen zu stehlen usw. etc. Willkommen, Fremder, Du bist nun einer von uns!

Macedonia, Greek youth NGOs co-operate against prejudices

Youth NGOs from Greece and Macedonia are creating joint projects to reduce prejudice and promote tolerance. Representatives of 20 NGOs met in Struga as part of Contact for the Common Future, organised by the Youth Alliance from Krushevo, the UNESCO Youth Club from Thessaloniki and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. The initiative to establish co-operation started cautiously, according to Metodija Stojceski, executive director of the Youth Alliance in Krushevo. "But we got the opposite result of cautious because there was great desire for co-operation," Stojceski told SETimes.

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Griechenland: 2,5 MRD Euro Stromschulden – Versorger schaltet bald erste 50.000 Kunden ab!

Griechenland: Sozialkassen schaffen parallele Staatsverschuldung