Miko: Greece’s new proposal for name is direct provocation

For the U.S. analyst Jason Miko, Greek proposal for Macedonia to rename into Slavic-Albanian Macedonia is a direct provocation by Greece and is indication that is not interested to resolve the name dispute.

- Recently, Daniel Serwer analyst with long experience gave its views on the recent proposal by the Greeks to rename Macedonia into Albanian Slavic Macedonia. In its analysis, Server clearly indicates that this is a direct provocation by Greece, especially from the Prime Minister Samaras and Minister of Foreign Affairs Venizelos. He also said that Prime Minister Samaras, back in 2009, when he was not Prime Minister, said that Macedonia at some point would be divided between Bulgaria and Albania. This will not happen, though at his current position as Prime Minister Samaras is doing everything he can to make this happen by refusing to negotiate with proposing absurd names. He is not right, he knows he is not right, the international community knows that Samaras is not right, but there is no pressure over Greece due to their financial situation as it can affect the Euro zone. Life is not fair and this is a perfect example of such unfairness, said Miko in the interview for “Voice of People” on Sun TV.

All this, says Miko, is suggesting to rumors from the past that Ali Ahmeti has had  engaged in own free diplomacy meeting with Greek leadership and perhaps, even suggesting that the proposed name would be acceptable name for Albanians in Macedonia.

- I am sure, that Albanians in Macedonia have no problem with the name of Macedonia; they generally want a solution, any solution with Greece. However, Ahmeti engaged into free diplomacy is wrong, Macedonians reluctantly agreed to the Ohrid Framework Agreement; the Albanians in Macedonia have to agree with the name Macedonia and identity that goes with it. At the same time, we may be are approaching to the time when Ahmeti wants to blackmail the Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski to agree on a new name or to face early elections. However, it is a normal part of the internal domestic politics, says Miko.

In the interview, he refers to Macedonia’s membership in EU and NATO and blockades which disable Macedonia full membership.

- Server also stressed that Macedonia should join NATO under the provisional reference, under the Interim Accord of 1995. He also points out that it was wrong Athens to block Macedonia’s entry into NATO under the provisional reference. That is the point where Server, and many others like him, was also wrong. Server uses the phrase “FYROM”, and he called it name. Two things: first, “FYROM” is not a legal name; it is an acronym and has no legal basis or use anywhere in the world. Secondly, the “temporary” and “temporary reference” under UN Resolution 817 from 1993 should be used for all purposes “within the United Nations” and therefore should not be admitted to NATO, the EU and other organizations. The fact that they use shows that they do not understand the meaning of names, identity and the importance of upholding the rule of law, says analyst Miko.

He believes that “political machinations that are done are not useful for Macedonia, but also bad for the United States and other countries, as it proves that international blackmail are functioning.

- And if they work in a country, they can work with all countries. If U.S. wants long-term stability in the region, they have to “push” Macedonia in NATO, even if it is under the provisional reference. Yes, it would violate the NATO rules, but NATO rules already have been violated many times, not just for this issue. Greeks are upset, but they will do? What can they do except continue to cry like little babies? It is the personal interest of U.S. to support Macedonia in this issue, not to run away from it, he says.

He added that in the meantime, Macedonia should continue to work on attracting foreign direct investment and domestic investment, the creation of conditions that allow the private sector to grow and create new jobs, and to continue with the numerous reforms, regardless whether it will ever become EU member or not.

- Macedonia must continue to strengthen its armed forces, their capabilities and overall preparedness (especially when it comes to issues of cyber – war) of the armed forces and separately from the international community, since they will not be of any help in the this area. It must work to explain citizens who are ethnic Albanians in Macedonia that even if Macedonia never becomes member of NATO or EU, it will be fine. Ethnic Albanians in Macedonia mistakenly believe that membership in NATO is mandatory. It is not. Although Macedonia is not a member, it already cooperates closely with NATO. Macedonia has no external enemies that will attack Macedonia and continues to strengthen its armed forces and their capabilities. All these things together mean that even if Macedonia never become NATO member, everything will be fine. That is a fact. The main reason why foreigners love Macedonia in NATO today is to be saved from the shame created by a NATO member, which behaves as a baby, says the analyst, Jason Miko.

Macedonia’s future, he said, is at the Macedonian people. – Freedom is never free and it is never guaranteed. Each new generation should fight for it; it should to be passed to the next generation so that they can fight for it. It remains to you Macedonia. You can do it, that I am sure, says Miko in the interview.

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