
Es werden Posts vom Oktober, 2015 angezeigt.


In an interview with the Independent Balkan Agency (IBNA), Angelov stressed that confidence-building measures between the two countries by themselves are not related to the name issue, which needs to be addressed separately, without affecting basic aspects of relations between the two neighboring countries. . - My Government strongly supports this approach, and in fact it is our view and suggestions from the first years of our independence in 1991. Let me remind you that one of the main objectives of the Interim Agreement signed in 1995, which is the cornerstone of our bilateral relations, was to provide a legal framework for the normalization of relations and cooperation, regardless of the existing difference over the name. Little is known in Greece that our two countries have not signed any bilateral agreement that would facilitate our economic cooperation. The same applies to other areas such as security and defense, culture, education - Macedonian ambassador said. Aske


Από το παραπάνω κείμενο που δημοσιεύτηκε σε στήλη της εφημερίδας «Εδεσσαϊκή», προκύπτει ότι η πλειοψηφία του Μακεδονικού λαού ασπαζόταν την ιδέα δημιουργίας μακεδονικού ανεξάρτητου κράτους, λίγα χρόνια πριν τη διάλυση της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας. Τα περί «βουλγάρων» και «ελλήνων» κατοίκων της Μακεδονίας οφείλονταν μόνο στη κρατική προπαγάνδα της Βουλγαρίας και της Ελλάδας που ήδη από τα τέλη του 19ου αιώνα πρόσβλεπαν στην εδαφική επέκταση τους στη Μακεδονία. Ενδιαφέρον στο κείμενο είναι ότι ο Γκοτσε Ντελτσεβ ήταν πολύ δημοφιλής σε όλους τους Μακεδόνες (πατριαρχικούς και εξαρχικούς), ακριβώς επειδή πρέσβευε  την ανεξαρτησία της Μακεδονίας ως κράτος, όπου ο κάθε πολίτης θα μπορούσε να αυτοπροσδιορίζεται όπως επιθυμούσε! Η Ελλάδα, όμως, και η Βουλγαρία τους ήθελαν με το ζόρι Έλληνες η Βούλγαρους. Άλλωστε, ο Χ. Τρικούπης είχε πει: «« Όταν έλθει ο μέγας πόλεμος η Μακεδονία θα γίνει Ελληνική ή Βουλγαρική κατά τον νικήσαντα. Αν τη λάβωσιν οι Βούλγαροι θα εκσλαβίσωσι τον πληθυσμόν. Αν ημ

Griechenland muss auf Hilfskredite warten

Athen. Nur drei Monate alt ist das neue Hilfspaket für Griechenland, und doch gibt es bereits Differenzen zwischen Brüssel und Athen. Die Eurogruppe kritisiert, dass Griechenland von den versprochenen 48 Reformschritten erst ein Drittel komplett verwirklicht hat. Die für diese Woche vorgesehene Freigabe der Kredittranche von zwei Milliarden Euro durch die Finanzstaatssekretäre der Eurogruppe ist deshalb bereits verschoben worden. Die von zusätzlichen Reformen abhängige Auszahlung einer weiteren Milliarde Euro, die eigentlich für November vorgesehen war, dürfte sich dadurch ebenfalls verzögern. EU-Vizekommissionspräsident Valdis Dombrovskis war zu dem Thema zu Gast bei Premier Alexis Tsipras in Athen. Der Lette ermahnte die griechische Regierung, die vier größten Banken des Landes wie geplant bis Ende des Jahres zu rekapitalisieren. Darüber seien sich "alle einig", sagte Dombrovskis am Dienstagabend nach einem Gespräch mit dem griechischen Notenbankchef Yannis Stournaras.

Kathimerini: Greek Prime Minister Refuses to Cooperate with Macedonia and Turkey on Refugee Crisis

Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras does not want to cooperate with Macedonia or Turkey in tackling the refugee crisis, Greek newspaper Kathimerini reports citing diplomatic sources who attended the Brussels summit last weekend. In an article titled 'The Background of Brussels Meeting', the paper reveals what took place behind closed doors at the mini-summit, calling on information provided by Greek diplomatic sources. "The subject that 'strained' the Greek prime minister was cooperation with FYROM . At this point of the debate, Mr. Tsipras left the room to talk to Athens on the phone. On this concrete item, a large number of official representatives have told Kathimerini that Mr. Tsipras does not want to cooperate with Macedonia, or Turkey, because of the influence of Defense Minister Panos Kammenos and Interior Minister Nikos Kotzias," the newspaper discloses.

Jeder dritte Grieche lebt an der Grenze zur Armut

Nach fünf Jahren Troika-Politik geht es den griechischen Bürgern so schlecht wie schon lang nicht mehr. Jeder dritte Grieche ist gefährdet, in die Armut abzurutschen. In keinem anderen Euroland ist die Situation so dramatisch. Kaum hat die wiedergewählte Syriza das dritte Bailout im Parlament durchgebracht, zeigt sich die traurige Bilanz der Troika-Politik. Unabhängig von wirtschaftlichen Restrukturierungen, die das Land tatsächlich braucht, hat der Umfang der Sparmaßnahmen jedoch einen bitteren Beigeschmack. Nach nun mehr zwei Bailouts sind 36 Prozent der griechischen Bevölkerung von Armut oder sozialer Ausgrenzung bedroht, so die Statistikbehörde Eurostat. 2008 lag diese Zahl noch bei 28,1 Prozent. „Das bedeutet, dass sie sich in mindestens einer der folgenden drei Situationen befinden: sie sind nach Zahlung von Sozialleistungen von Armut bedroht (Einkommensarmut), sie leiden unter erheblicher materieller Deprivation oder leben in einem Haushalt mit sehr niedriger Erwerbstät

Top Greek Diplomat in Brussels removed from Post for being friendly to Macedonia

Alexandra Papadopoulou, Ambassador of Greece in Brussels did not follow recommendations from Athens to veto some documents related to Macedonia's EU integration. The Ambassador, according to Athens also failed to follow through on other orders from the head of the Greek diplomacy. As a result, the former Ambassador to Macedonia is no longer Greece's permanent representative to the EU. Her case in Greece has already received scandalous dimensions. "Athens MOFA for Kathimerini have stated that the reason for her move is that she is guilty of disciplinary offenses, including a request from Greece's top diplomat on June 22 to veto Skopje's integrations in the EU, something Mrs. Papadopoulou decided not to do" reports Kathimerini. "The rule is when a minister places a veto on an important national issue, one diplomat has no right to withdraw it because he/she does not like it or because they are being pressured from elsewhere" stated Gree

Greek President makes anti-Macedonian speech

- Speaking on the anniversary of a late 19 century battle in which Greece took the city of Elassona from the Turks, Greek President  Prokopis Pavlopoulos said that the battle marked the beginning of the "liberation of Macedonia", adding that Macedonia will "forever remain Greek". "Those who deny the Greek character of Macedonia are an object of ridicule due to their senseless claims", President Pavlopoulos said, in an apparent barb at the Republic of Macedonia and the decades long name dispute between Macedonia and Greece, during which Greece has blocked Macedonia's entry into NATO and the European Union while demanding that Macedonia must change its name. Such statements are popular among Greek nationalists, who on average score better results in the northern parts of Greece, or the Greek regions of Macedonia. The region of Macedonia was held by the Ottoman Turks until the Balkan wars in the early 1910s, in which Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece f

UN Harshly Criticizes Greece for Treatment of Macedonian Minority

Greek authorities were harshly criticized by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) for the treatment of the Macedonian minority, reports. Deputy Labor Minister Ourania Antonopoulou, while presenting the report on Greece in front of the Committee for Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, pointed out that her country is trying to ensure the rights of minority groups, but said that it is clear that there is no Macedonian minority. "Greece firmly believes that the so-called 'Macedonian' minority has no relation to reality. There is a small group in northern Greece that speaks a Slavic dialect in addition to speaking Greek. The political group which represents this minority group won only 0,1 percent of the votes on the last elections. The use of the term 'Macedonian' has had a counter effect and the rights of over 2,5 million Greek Macedonians have been violated. Still, the group has freedom of expression and members can par

Greece focusing on important things, discusses name issue with Kerry

Greece's airports, railways, ports, roads are owned by German creditors, their pensions have been slashed by 50%, their unemployment is 28%, but Athens knows what's important - it's Macedonia. Greece’s issue with Macedonia's constitutional name was one of the main topics discussed by Greek PM Alexis Tsipras and US Secretary of State John Kerry during their meeting in New York. Tsipras pointed out the intention of the Greek government to settle the name issue with a complex name with geographical determinant for overall use and the need for Macedonia to demonstrate similar aspirations, his office said in a press release. Greece’s Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias was also in attendance, MIA reports from Athens. PM Tsipras in New York also held a meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon where, amongst other things, they shared views on ways to solve the name dispute.

Griechenland: Wenn Einkaufstüten mager bleiben

In Griechenland wurde im Juli 7,3 Prozent weniger eingekauft als vor Jahresfrist, die Leute sparten vor allem an Kosmetika und Arzneimitteln, Bekleidung, Schuhen und Sprit, so das Statistikamt ELSTAT. Im zweiten Quartal insgesamt verhalfen 1,1 Prozent mehr Konsumausgaben der Wirtschaft zu 0,9 Prozent Wachstum. Bis zum Oktober 2014 hatten die Kunden beim Einzelhandel beherzt zugegriffen – die Wirtschaft zeigte Anzeichen von Erholung nach einer lang anhaltenden Rezession. Dann kratzten politische Unsicherheit und die erbitterten Verhandlungen mit den Kreditgebern an der Konsumentenstimmung. Auch die Kapitalverkehrskontrollen und drei Wochen bei geschlossenen Bankenschaltern dämpften die Kauflaune. 2014 setzte der Einzelhandel rund 40 Prozent weniger um als 2009. 

Greece: Tourist Arrangements More Expensive Next Year

The abolition of tax breaks and the increasing rate of VAT for the hotels on the Greek islands, which are part of a package of reforms that international creditors require from Athens, will result in increase of arrangements for vacation in Greece for 7 to 10 percent, according to TASS. Greek Ministry of Finance announced that from 1 October the tax rates valid for the whole of Greece, will begin to apply on the islands of Rhodes, Santorini, Mykonos, Naxos, Paros and Skiathos, who have had tax relief. After this, the tax exemptions will be scrapped for the other islands in two groups, the first one from June 1, 2016 and the second one from 1 January 2017. With this, from 2017 no Greek island will have lower taxes. Equalization of tax rates on the islands with those applicable to the mainland Greece, is expected to result in a rise in prices of goods and services in the island tourist facilities. The six islands of the "first group" as of tomorrow the tax ra

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Griechenland: 2,5 MRD Euro Stromschulden – Versorger schaltet bald erste 50.000 Kunden ab!

Griechenland: Sozialkassen schaffen parallele Staatsverschuldung