
Es werden Posts vom Mai, 2014 angezeigt.

20 percent of the Greeks wear clothes made ​​in Macedonia

Even 20 % of the clothes worn by Greeks, and is produced abroad, is Made in Macedonia. The Business association survey of textile manufacturers shows that at the end of 2012 only 23 % of production was domestic or Greek, and the remaining 77 % were coming from abroad. According to statistics, 1/5 of Greek apparel produced abroad comes from Macedonia. The list of major foreign producers includes Bulgaria with 57%, Macedonia 20 %, Albania 10 %, Turkey 7 % and Romania 4 %. It is open secret in Greece that the purchased clothes quite often on the internal label have a label Made in Macedonia. In the past and now Greek bloggers accused the famous fashion brands in Greece that they recognize the neighboring country under its constitutional name.

Macedonian Euro-Atlantic Integration: Greeks Disturbed over Eventual US Pressure

Greece has a big problem with Macedonia's constitutional name in the vague of the NATO Summit in Cardiff, Greek newspaper Paron reads. "US attitude towards Skopje's accession to NATO has reached so far, that could have an impact on other countries pledging for Macedonia's NATO integration and has been in favor of Macedonia's EU accession talks." As MIA correspondent in Athens reports, another edition of the journal had blamed Greek diplomats in Athens and Washington for not taking part in the conference "Toward a Europe Whole and Free" organized by the US Atlantic Council, attended by US Vice  President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry and other leaders and security experts. "We admire the Macedonian Minister of Foreign Affairs for receiving an invitation to speak at one of the top-ranking conferences organized by the US Atlantic Council, where among others, US Vice President Joe Biden and US Secretary of State John Kerry

Greeks upset of eventual U.S. pressure for Macedonia’s entry into NATO

Greece has problem with the name of Skopje, in the wake of September’s NATO summit scheduled to be held in Cardiff, UK, writes the Greek newspaper “Paron”. - U.S. attitude has come so far as they strongly advocate for Skopje’s entry into NATO and it can affect the positions of other countries, which are for Macedonia’s integration in NATO and in favor of opening accession negotiations with the EU, the newspaper writes. As MIA informs, the same newspaper in another text blames Greek diplomats in Athens and Washington for not being present at the conference “Towards Europe whole and free,” which was organized by the Atlantic Council of the United States held in Washington and where spoke ministers from the region, Vice President of the United States Joseph Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry and many leaders and experts in the field of foreign and security policy. - We admire the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Poposki for being invited to speak at one of the most import

Greek Diplomatic Sources: The Name Negotiations to Continue after the Greek Elections

It is expected the name negotiations between Macedonia and Greece to become more dynamic after the local and the European elections in Greece, Greek diplomatic sources stated for According to the same sources, Athens is also interested in resolving the dispute soon, yet not under international pressure but by negotiations on both sides. Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Poposki also reminded on the Thessaloniki agenda during the meeting with the Greek counterpart Venizelos at the EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Conference in Thessaloniki Thursday. “Macedonia is in the 10th year of the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Pact and sixth year in a roll it meets all the conditions to start the negotiations so there is no place more relevant and more relevant topic to address the credibility of the process in terms of what can be expected of the one that should join and which promises are delivered by the member-states, in particular from the host

Greek media: Nimetz in July in Athens and Skopje

Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Greece- Macedonia talks, Matthew Nimetz said he plans to visit Athens and Skopje in early July, the Greek media said in reports of their meeting yesterday in New York. As MIA reports, Greek media published only a few sentences of yesterday’s meeting between Nimetz and ambassadors Jolevski and Vassilakis, and said that he said no progress was made, they talked about technical issues that will provide the process to continue and decisions that will ultimately brought by the stakeholders. Great emphasis in the reports is placed on the statement of the Greek negotiator Vassilakis who said that “Greece wants to find a solution, but so far the other side has done absolutely nothing”. - They are in the same position as in 1995, Vassilakis said. Vassilakis statement is obvious provocation given the pre-election period in Greece, in which opposition parties repeatedly urged Prime Minister Samaras to publicly declare their po

Maria Spyraki: Position of Greek Ruling Party on Name Issue Is Clear

The official position of the Greek ruling party New Democracy is a name with geographical determinant. The position of the Greek ruling party on the name issue is clear: name, for all uses (erga omnes), including a geographic qualifier, said Maria Spyraki, New Democracy's candidate for a seat in the European Parliament. As reported by the Macedonian Information Agency correspondent in Athens, these days Spyraki is visiting the northern part of Greece, i.e. the places close to the Greek-Macedonian border, within the European Parliament elections campaign, scheduled on May 25 in Greece. "Former Prime Minister, Kostas Karamanlis, has blocked the neighboring country's access to NATO even under the provisional reference FYROM", said Spyraki in a speech held in Kilkis, stressing the steadfast position of Samaras' party on the name issue. The biggest opposition party, SYRIZA, within its campaign, has called on Samaras several

Greeks without comments and predictions for the new round of name talks

There are no comments for now in Greece or predictions for the new round of talks on the name issue scheduled for tomorrow in New York by Nimetz, MIA reports from Athens. All media published information for tomorrow’s meeting, but no further details of the “diplomatic sources” or “unnamed experts” as is often the case under the Anti-Macedonian campaign of the Greek media. Meanwhile, pro-government “Kathimerini”, that the past few days is a real “expert” in Macedonian internal politics and every day publishes some analysis about the Macedonian authorities, linked the new round of name talks with “Nikola Gruevski’s double triumph on the recent presidential and parliamentary elections” in Macedonia. Entitled “New talks by Nimitz between Greece and Macedonia after the triumph of Gruevski” the newspaper informs of tomorrow’s meeting in New York and the rest of the text is used to accuse the Prime Minister of “extreme nationalism”. At the same time, the newspaper “The left w

Griechenland-Optimismus entpuppt sich als manipuliertes Strohfeuer

Seit einigen Wochen wird Griechenland eine Aufwärtsentwicklung bescheinigt. Ein „Hoffnungsschimmer in der Euro-Krise“ - so malen die Europäische Kommission und Medien ein Bild der vorsichtigen Entspannung der Eurokrise, weil Griechenland erstmals einen Haushaltsüberschuss erzielt habe. Doch der angebliche Überschuss ist nur ein bilanztechnischer Taschenspielertrick. Um auf einen ausgeglichenen Haushalt zu kommen, wurden die Kosten für Schuldendienst, Zinsen und Kapitalspritzen an Banken herausgerechnet. Schon die vor einigen Wochen hochgejubelte Ausgabe von griechischen Staatsanleihen war nur erfolgreich, weil Anleger sich darauf verlassen können, dass der europäische Rettungsschirm einspringt. (siehe rf-news vom 12. April) So haben die Euro-Finanzminister dem Land bereits niedrigere Zinsen und längere Fristen bei der Rückzahlung der Hilfskredite in Aussicht gestellt. Trotzdem sinken die Schulden bis 2022 langsamer als geplant. Der frühere Chef der Eurogruppe, Jean-Claude Juncker,

Warnung an Griechenland

Warnung an Griechenland Die EU-Kommission rechnet mit weiteren Hilfszahlungen Athen – Das krisengeplagte Griechenland wird beim Schuldenabbau die mit den internationalen Geldgebern vereinbarten Ziele wohl verfehlen. Davor warnt die EU-Kommission in einem am Freitag in Brüssel veröffentlichten Bericht. Die Behörde moniert eine „Verschlechterung verglichen zu den Zielen von 2012“. Demnach wird Athen in den nächsten Jahren seine Schulden gemessen an der Wirtschaftsleistung noch nicht auf ein tragbares Niveau drücken können. Somit steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass das Euro-Sorgenkind weitere Erleichterungen bei der Rückzahlung seiner Schulden benötigt, und damit auch weitere Hilfszahlungen. Bis zum Jahr 2020 werde der Schuldenstand laut Bericht auf 125 Prozent des griechischen Bruttoinlandsprodukts sinken, bis 2022 auf 112 Prozent. Angepeilt waren für 2022 aber „deutlich weniger als 110 Prozent“, als kritische Marke gelten 100 Prozent. Im vergangenen Jahr meldete Athen mit 175

MEP Jorgo Chatzimarkakis Seeks Suspension of Macedonia’s EU Candidate Status

The Chair of the EU-Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee and Greek Member of the European Parliament, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, in his latest Committee Report has urged the European Parliament President, Martin Schulz, to revoke Macedonia's EU candidate status. "Instead of helping the country move forward, Gruevski is making it regress. There's no freedom of speech, the 'Skopje 2014' project is an attempt to rewrite history in a nationalistic way, and the EU should take a stricter stance on the parliament incidents, " says Chatzimarkakis in the report on the EU-Macedonia joint committee work, urging European Parliament President to suspend Macedonia's candidate status. Skopje notes technical, but not political progress, Chatzimarkakis has said. " In Greece, we were aware of the insults on the cultural legacy. They did the same to another neighboring country, Bulgaria, and they recently started insulting Albanians. Now that Gruevski has

Griechenlands Zahlen in "täuschender Weise frisiert"

AfD-Chef Bernd Lucke braucht ein Thema für die Europawahl. Das scheint er nun gefunden zu haben: Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) soll die Zahlen des griechischen Haushalts frisiert haben. ... In einem jetzt veröffentlichten Schreiben von Anfang der Woche versucht der AfD-Chef dem Bundesfinanzminister sowie der Beobachtermission aus Internationalem Währungsfonds (IWF), EU und Europäischer Zentralbank (EZB) nachzuweisen, dass sie die jüngsten Haushaltszahlen für Griechenland "frisiert" haben. Dabei verbeißt sich Lucke vor allem in der Interpretation inzwischen bekannter, allerdings nicht ganz unwichtiger Details des griechischen Haushalts. "Leider bestätigen Sie meine Befürchtung, dass die offiziellen Informationen der Troika zum griechischen Primärsaldo in einer die Öffentlichkeit täuschenden Weise frisiert werden – und dies in erheblichem Maße", schreibt der Ökonomieprofessor dem Bundesfinanzminister als Antwort auf einen Brief von Kampeter

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